Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Meeting tonight


If you are trying to contact me, I'm home now and plan to meet you and others, (if any) at church at 7:00 tonight. Please try to call again. :-)

Rustin (aka Foxpup)

Monday, July 13, 2009

OK, Wed night, July 22, at the church, 7 PM. We'll have some coffee and dessert, etc. Let's plan on discussing up through ch. 5, or whatever comes up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wednesday evening looks best for me. I could meet 15, 22, 29th. If more were available on Monday, I could rearrange some things to make that work also.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

ithink dates?

Hey everyone, I'd like to try again to get ithink together. We just went to 12 hour shifts at the hospital, and it is going to make my schedule a lot different, but also more flexible as far as ithink is concerned. Here are some dates coming up that I can meet, and whenever we can get the most people together we'll try and do it.

Monday evening July 13
Wed. evening july 15
Mon. evening July 20
Wed. evening July22
Sat. evening July 25
Mon evening July 27
Wed eveingin July 29
Sat. evening Aug 1
Mon evening Aug 3
Wed evening Aug 5
Mon evening Aug 10
Wed evening Aug 12
Sat evening Aug 15

Hopefully at least one of those days will work. I was thinking we could just catch up a little, and maybe discuss the first 5 chapters of Colin Brown's book. Chapter 5 finishes the ancient world with From Greeks to Gospel. It's a good summary of why understanding the ancient world is important for Christians.

So, let me know what you think, and maybe we can get together soon.
