Sunday, November 16, 2008

Plato in heaven?

In one of my first postings I mentioned how CS Lewis had mentioned that he thought it could be possible that Plato was a believer.  I don't really agree, I don't think, but I will not be surprised or offended if I see Plato when I get there.  And I think Lewis' argument is fascinating.  I don't think he is unbiblical at all, but that is certain to bother some people for obvious reasons.  But if you want to read Lewis' explanation for yourself, it is in Reflections on the Psalms, in the chapter titled "Second Meanings."   I thought I could send you to a google books link that had that chapter, but that chapter isn't included there.  An earlier chapter in the book titled "Nature" has similar things to say about a Pharaoh named Akhenaten, and part of that chapter is on google books.  Another time I might post some of the highlights on the blog from both of those chapters.

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