Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mystical Mysteries

Mystical Mysteries

All things to me are mystical mysteries.
All things I understand and see,
But all to me is mystery.
What is a man? What is to be?
Each time my questions answer me,
And all I see is mystery.
Yes I can touch, and I can feel, 
And I can say that this is real,
But each time my question answers me,
And all I see is mystery.
As so did Pilate ask the man,
"Explain the truth as well you can,"
And even though the man was God,
He answered not for fools can't see,
That all on earth is mystery.
So when I die, I still will be,
And all I know will be explained to me,
That all in life was meant to be,
And all is mystical mystery.

Paul Bershon

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