Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I enjoy reading your posts and their responses. I cannot enter into you conversations at the level you men are, but am challenged by how you all think. I may be making myself vulnerable to your knowledge and study with this, however Iconsider your use of 'postmodernism' as a generalization. I'm not defending postmodernism any more than I would condemn modernism. Both have characteristics of value as well as areas of concern.
This document that I've attached describes the difference and the reason for the apparent shift. Agree or disagree, it is interesting. I'm just concerned of generalizing statements that 'write off' an entire thought process by only citing the areas that align with existentialism.
The 'emergent' church, in the strictest sense, is loosing ground to the more favorable 'missional' church. Both 'emergent' and 'postmodernism' (both of which many say we've moved beyond) were corrective measures and a reaction to bring balance to strict modernism which they would say elevated knowledge without regard to the experience and outworking of that knowledge alongside it.
Anyway. Like I said, it's the generalization that hit me of center more than anything else. Otherwise, great discussion and admire the knowledge and history your guys bring to it.


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