Monday, August 31, 2009


This is great. I enjoyed reading it and will talk with Kevin today
sometime to see when we can set up our iThink group on the new
software at CBC.

I'm wondering if "Existentialism" doesn't fit into your discussion
somewhere. I'm not sure where that would be, but it seems that when
man found he could not legislate morality without God, there was a
movement that said nothing is of higher value than anything else we
just all exist = existentialism. If you see an old woman on the
street corner, stopping to help her cross the street or running her
over has the same moral value. Didn't this lead to nihilism and I
think Neitzschke had something to do with this.

It just seems that a pessimism about standards of living and purpose,
meaning and significance were lost to many souls and that opened the
door to the "God is dead" movement.

Does existentialism fit in the movement from modernism to


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